Her rivalry with Takeda Shingen reached the state of legends, and she was one of the few daimyos to send Nobunaga packing during the battle at Tedorigawa, and would have halted her conquest completely had it not been for her untimely death. One of the most famous daimyos in the Sengoku Period, Nagao Kagetora was known as a battle genius, winning battles at the tender age of 15 to 16, and after being adopted to the Uesugi clan, would bear the name she would be known as the most Uesugi Kenshin. Let me formally say: I'll be in your great care.' the great deeds you are undertaking are absolutely worthy of my devotion and obedience. 'I am Nagao Kagetora, the avatar of the Touhachi Bishamonten! O weak, yet strong one.